my DAC has no ASIO-support and with BitPerfect I have now a media-player with that what you call „WASAPI-EXCLUSIVE MODE“ with an Windows-PC.
With Windows the only thing that worked well was the Adobe WAV-Editor (very expensive and without the comfort of a media player)…
and yes… I can hear the difference… at least I believe that…
for me, the application was a good buy… spendt weeks to find something like that for windows without a result (due to having the fostex hp-a3 dac)
… with a mac and bit perfect the same took about 15 minutes (finding/buying/installing the app and making the right settings)…
I am really believing to have a better sound quality. Havent made a blind test: no need for that.
Some people here have problems with the app or cannot here a difference… not my problem :D
I can not swear that this app is so good as I hope it is cauz I am not an audio-expert…. Somebody has written that the app is adding harmonics and aural enhancements… Hmmm…?!
Klamsi (Schlumpf) about BitPerfect, v2.0.1