Simple, Good, Works with no Bugs
I’m an experienced musician and electrical engineer and Audio buff but not by any means an Audio fool. I just bought a sweet pair of Fostex Headphones ($400) from MassDrop and realized well I need a fancy DAC to up the game of my 2011 MBP. Once I got that ($120 but very nice unit from OriGen) I realized the proper way to drive the DAC is by letting the source drive the sample rate. And that is all I really needed BitPerfect to do. I use BP 3.1 with the latest iTunes and now am collecting some Higer Res files. Do High Res files sound better or are they just remastered perfectly? ha. Not totally sure. But the tracks I do have do sound great, that I’m sure of. Does iTunes have bad sound? You have to be an Audio-fool to say yes unless you are doing some processing (advanced EQ) sample rate conversion or perhaps volume and even then I doubt iTunes is all that bad. For me, iTunes is set on 100% volume and I’m sure it is already Bit-Perfect, I’ve read enough and know enough about engineering and sound. Bitperfect does keep the system sounds out of my music and switch my DAC to the correct sample rate flawlessly. I avoid upsampling and all that other BS and keep it simple. Buff, not fool. Setup sounds great! BP works as advertised.
For $10 bucks, BitPerfect is just that. Perfect. All those other fancy players are a waist of money uless you are doing real room EQ compensation or something fancy. Is the iTunes interface a love hate relationship? Yes, but I still prefer it. And Bit perfect rounds out the key feature I needed with is simply DAC sample rate switching. BTW When using Apple music, BP does not controll your DAC, your Midi setting does.
DinoNJ about
BitPerfect, v3.1